IT Solutions
We put a lot of work to achieve

In-house HRM Software
Our in-house IRAS approved Payroll, Employee Leave and Timesheet software.

Network Security
Protect your office network with Fortinet firewall.

Custom Application Development
Develop application based on client’s requirements.

Accounting & Payroll Service
Outsource your accounting and payroll.

Provide service to relocate your IT hardware.

Great Options

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Who we are
We started in April 2007 as a System Integrator to provide our services to SME in Singapore. We go onsite to customer’s office to troubleshoot desktop, laptop, server, software issue and etc. At the same time, we create small scale customized software for our clients. In 2012, we have our first Interaccion office at PRIMZ Bizhub. Today, we provide 3 focused services to our clients. Our IRAS approved Payroll software, Remote Support Maintenance, and Email hosting. We appreciate and grateful to our customers who has support us for so many years. We look forward to have long lasting, trustworthy relationship with you.

Computer & Network Support

Application Development

IT Software & Hardware

Email / Web Hosting

Data Recovery

Accounting & Payroll Service

Network Security
Latest News
News Update.
Online falsehoods
Govt moots Select Committee to study deliberate spread and impact of online falsehoods.
‘Meltdown’ and ‘Spectre’ chip flaws
Billions of computers and smartphones are compromised as they were built using the same processors designed by Intel, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and ARM, where the two flaws were discovered. [...]
Diaspora a bridge between India and Asean
Asean and India have a secret weapon in their quest for closer cooperation: the Indian diaspora.
Ways you can reach us.
21 Woodlands Close Primz Bizhub #09-16,
Singapore 737854
(+65) 66357119
(+65) 94562528